What Chakra Do You Live In?
Are you extremely emotional, overly competitive, obsessed with sex, always worried about illness or other survival issues? Are you feeling depressed, disturbed or unhappy? Then you may be focused in the wrong chakra.
For a happy life, you need to focus in the sixth or brow chakra located in the center of your head. This is a neutral place where you can access and use all of your other chakras and have a spiritual perspective of what you are creating.
Our chakra system is our energy and information system. Each chakra has different purposes. The seven main chakras along the spine contain the information we use to operate our bodies, communicate with our God and much more.
Everyone is spirit, with a personal purpose and unique chakra focus for each life. To be in control of your chakra system, you need to meditate. Your chakra focus determines where you put your attention. If you have your focus on the first or root chakra your life will be mainly focused on your physical reality, probably survival issues. If you focus on your second chakra you will be preoccupied with your emotions and sexuality. Your focus on your third chakra can cause you to compete with others and focus outside of your space.
I recommend that you, the spirit, focus in your sixth chakra where you can be neutral and can easily access the energy and information of all of your other chakras. When you focus in your sixth chakra, you rise above the body’s emotions and survival issues. You validate yourself instead of looking outside for your information. You still have the same issues but you are not overwhelmed by them. You create a neutral view of yourself and thus see more choices and opportunities.
Being in the sixth chakra is like driving your car from the driver’s seat instead of from the trunk or back seat. Meditation will help you learn how to focus in this upper chakra to help you be in “your driver’s seat” and put you in control of your life.
Live in your sixth chakra and have more joy!