Is Your Aura Being Invaded?
“Every living thing has an energy field. This energy field is your aura. Your aura indicates your psychic or spiritual space, and is your universe in which you are meant to create. Your aura is the window through which you view the world and through which the world sees you.” from Meditation: Key to Spiritual Awakening by Mary Ellen Flora.
Have you ever had the realization that someone was trying to get you to fight with them? Maybe you and a co-worker disagree about a project and the co-worker wants to fight it out and “win.” Or maybe a family member is opposed to your actions or ideas. You know that your aura is being invaded by this person if:
- You have a sudden stomach ache
- Feel irritated for no internal reason
- Experience a sudden pain in your head
- Become afraid for no reason
- Feel suddenly emotional or some other sudden disturbance
Energy invasion can cause disturbance and even pain in your body since it is not your energy. A foreign vibration does not work in your unique system.
If you meditate, you have an advantage because you have some control over your emotions and are not easily manipulated by others, especially if you ground. Your co-worker or family member may be aggressive and demanding but with your calm presence, developed from meditation practice, you can weather this storm. You can get your point across with calm certainty.
Often when people “pick a fight” it is because they are afraid of being “wrong” and feel they must be “right” to survive. By using your meditation calm and owning your aura space you can allow the other person’s storm to pass and may even help him become calmer also. Allowing other’s emotions to pass through you without reacting gives you the opportunity to calm any conflict.
When calm is restored, clear constructive communication also returns to the interaction. Meditation on a daily basis can help you see and deal with any disturbance. Meditation provides a reservoir of spiritual strength and clarity available for life storms.