Healing: Key to Spiritual Balance eBook

by Mary Ellen Flora

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Product Ebook Healing | Spiritual Learning | Meditation | Church of Divine Man


All of us have the ability to heal ourselves and the blessing of other healers to help us if we choose. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that they have both the ability and the power to heal themselves and to attract any necessary assistance. In fact, ultimately, all healing is self-healing. As individual souls, we simply need to desire healing and believe we can have it.

Most people believe that someone else can heal them, but they cannot do it themselves. This makes people look outside themselves to find healing. When we choose this external focus, we forget our personal healing power, and the healing we desire cannot occur.

When you look within for your spiritual information, the healing idea forms and the necessary belief or faith emerges. By turning within to yourself the spirit, you open to the healing energies that are always available within and around you. While you are the one who creates the healing, you do not have to be alone in your healing process. Someone else can assist you in your healing process by being a catalyst, a helper or an energy booster. In fact, part of the healing process can be attracting the other souls you select to assist in your healing. You choose any helpers you wish or need; then it is part of your healing to let yourself receive the assistance.

The world is full of healers. In fact, we all have this ability even if we have allowed it to become dormant. There are many healing arts such as spiritual healing, dentistry, ayurvedic, midwifery, medicine, massage, herbal healing, surgery, acupuncture, chiropractic and much more. The people who have chosen to devote their lives to healing make themselves available to assist in one’s healing process. Healers can be found in any of the healing arts. Those who are called to serve others as healers often find themselves involved actively in a healing focus. However, healers can be found everywhere and are not necessarily involved in one of the healing arts. We can find a healer in ourselves if we just allow the healing energy to flow.

I once found a healer while sitting in an airport restaurant. I cut my hand on a broken glass and was bleeding a great deal. A young mother at the next table came to my rescue with baby wipes and healing energy. The cut quickly stopped bleeding and I immediately relaxed under the tender care of the young woman. Healers are always there when you need them. You simply need to allow yourself to receive the healing.

Regardless of which healing art or healer you choose to assist you, it is you who actually heal yourself. For example, you may go to a doctor to set a broken bone for you, but you are the one who generates the energy to heal the break. If you go to a psychic healer, he or she may help you remove energy from your body that has been causing pain, but you are the one who generates the faith to make it happen and who keeps your system clear. No matter what healing path you take or which healing helpers you choose, you are the one who discovers what you need and to whom to turn as a catalyst. The information is within you about what you need to change and who can help you. The information and assistance are always there waiting for you to discover them.

Over the years, I have seen many people change from having an outward focus to having and inward healing perspective. They change from spiritual children to spiritual adults; from wanting someone to do it for them, to enjoying their ability to heal themselves. I have also seen people refuse to mature and turn within and heal themselves. We have the freedom to choose healing or to refuse it.

I attempted to assist one young man who had a benign brain tumor. Intellectually, he knew all the right answers about healing both physically and spiritually. Unfortunately, he refused to turn within to himself, the spirit, and to change what was out of balance. He kept on looking for an easy way out of his dilemma or for someone else to take responsibility for him. He went from one spiritual or physical healer to another, seeking someone who would fix him. He tried all of the healing suggestions on a surface level and at the same time, refused to listen to any of the healers he had chosen. His body finally took control of the situation, and his physical pain forced him into surgery. Not long after the surgery, he recreated the identical problem by re-growing the brain tumor. He had removed the physical problem, not the spiritual one, so he was still creating the difficulty in order to force himself to focus within. He continued to seek answers to his problems everywhere except within himself.

A woman I know did the opposite with her healing process. She knew that she had cancer and was receiving medical assistance. In her search for a solution to her problem, she became a member of a group dedicated to spiritual awareness and healing. She learned all of the spiritual techniques to assist her to turn within. She discovered things that she did not like about herself, yet she persevered in her healing. She discovered forgotten painful childhood experiences that caused her to feel intense fear. Her emotional response to the abuse she had experienced had become a disease in her body. By turning within with meditation and uncovering the painful memories, she also cleared the intense emotions accompanying the memories. Through this process, she cleansed the destructive energies from her body. Within a year, she was informed by her doctor that the cancer was no longer present in her system. This woman has gone on to help others in their healing process as she continues to heal herself.

The man chose the seemingly easy road by not taking responsibility for his creation. He looked outside himself for his answers and protected himself from his pain by intellectualizing the information he received. He hid in the darkness that he had created. The woman dug into her dark and disturbing creations and brought them into the light to heal herself. Healing requires that you face yourself and your creations and shine light on them. If you do not face yourself and your creations, you will repeat the same lessons until you learn what you need to from them.

Another woman I assisted had such an abusive childhood that it would not have been detailed on television. The physical circumstances were horrible. Yet she was able to use her spiritual abilities to heal herself of these traumatic experiences and emotions enough to lead a healthy life.

One of the emotions she had to deal with in herself was hate. As she cleared this vibration from her body, her life began to change. Her old friends no longer liked her because they were still filled with this hate energy and she was not. She found new friends who had fun and were loving. She got a new job and reconciled her relationship with her daughter. By forgiving those in her past, she healed herself. She let go of the past so she could create what she wanted in the present. As she changed internally, her external world changed with her. When she was filled with hate, then hate was all around her. When she cleansed the hate from within herself, she was free from its overwhelming presence in her life.

These examples are extreme physical manifestations of spiritual problems. Most of us create less dramatic circumstances; yet our pains, stresses, diseases and upsets are just as disturbing to our lives as these extreme examples are to those who created them. We all need healing skills to maneuver successfully through the maze of life. We all need the healing flow from the Cosmic to help us solve our problems and cure our ills.

A friend of mine has created heart disease to learn a lesson about receiving. She has spent her life giving to everyone. Her healing skills are so strong and yet so outwardly focused that she created a need to receive in order to balance or heal. By placing herself in a position where she has to accept help from others physically, she is creating the needed change. As she receives, she balances her energy and learns her lesson. Her disease is actually a spiritual healing for her, even though it would not appear so from a physical perspective. Her heart disease has improved over the years because she has balanced her giving with receiving by allowing herself to receive from others.

My late husband is another example of someone who created a physical illness to heal himself. He was a dentist for twenty years during which time he became allergic to tooth dust. He fought this allergy for several years while still trying to remain in dentistry. Finally, he was forced to give up dentistry, and he became an orchardist, growing apples. During this time, he discovered his spiritual calling as a spiritual healer and teacher. He would have had difficulty leaving the healing profession of dentistry for his new focus, but he was already free of that path once he was an orchardist. Consequently, he was able to create an organization to help others find and follow their unique spiritual path. What first appeared to be a disaster in the loss of his dental profession turned out to be a major life healing because he was free to create his new spiritual healing focus. From a broader spiritual view, we can see the purpose and healing outcome of events that may have seemed disastrous when they first happened but turned out to be beneficial.

Many years ago, I was the director of a summer camp for boys with Muscular Dystrophy and Cerebral Palsy. These young men, ages six to sixteen, taught me a great deal about healing. They lived fully, laughed a lot and enjoyed each day. Even though they were confined to wheelchairs and needed assistance with things we take for granted, they were full of life and wise beyond their years. Many of these young men saw beyond the limits of their bodies and learned to live as the bright lights that they are. Some of them were consciously aware they created their illness to spiritually heal themselves and others. We can all transcend whatever we have created in our bodies to learn from and let ourselves shine as spirit. When we operate as spirit, we heal ourselves and others, just as these young men did.

I experienced recurring pain in my head for years. For some time, I looked outside of myself hoping to find an external cause for the pain or, at least, someone else to blame for it. After having no success finding an answer outside myself, I looked within and discovered the pain was from a childhood injury. As I faced the injury and all that it meant to me spiritually, I cleared the old pain. The healing techniques that I use and teach others to use, I share with you in this book. These techniques work for me and others and can work for anyone who believes in and uses them.

As I heal myself and watch other people heal themselves, I never cease to be amazed at the healing power available to everyone. Each person I have mentioned did the healing in his or her unique way. Each person changed his perspective by clearing past patterns, learning to know himself and turning within to God. Each healer freed himself by forgiving and letting go. By changing the internal spiritual reality, he healed his external physical reality. Each one turned within, found his spiritual information and used this spiritual power to heal himself. Each individual learned to receive the assistance of other healers while healing himself.

I have seen people turn from being frightened, hateful people to being happy, loving ones. I have seen people overcome their physical pain and fear to become loving and giving. I have also seen those who refuse to heal and who choose to remain in the darkness and loneliness of doubt. I could fill a book with the individual stories of healing. Instead, the legacy of these healers is this book of healing techniques and stories to inspire others. Hopefully, this information will assist many others to heal themselves.

Healing is change. You have the healing power to change anything in your life. Once you have the idea of healing and the belief in it, your healing process happens. The way to get in touch with this healing energy is to turn within and open yourself to your healing flow. Allow the techniques to help you tune in to your spiritual self and your God from Whom all healing flows.

Healing is the ability to change energetically and create equilibrium. Healing is the way to balance spirit and body to function as this creative communication system it is meant to be.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Healing: Key to Spiritual Balance.