Healing Doesn’t Happen in a Straight Line
I broke my arm 10 months ago.
There were times I was uncertain that I was healing.
I go to physical therapy and I am still working on stretches to regain range of motion.
The physical therapist told me to be patient. “There will be progress and then plateaus and sometimes it will seem to be going backwards but if it were a graph the progress is continuing even with the ups and downs.”
My experience is that this is true in healing my patterns and beliefs.
Sometimes in the middle of a growth period I only notice the “things I see as not okay”, but the beauty of our CDM techniques is that it’s all a process.
I am spirit and I am complete, whole, a part of God.
As I have faith in and use my grounding I see my healing.
Mary Ellen often reminds us that where you are is exactly where you need to be. Whew, what a relief.
I have worked with children watching them move through stages of development.
At two years old there are certain phases of growth. The brain is also developing and certain behaviors are on track with that timing. If I expect a two year old to have the reasoning skills of an older child it will be frustrating and invalidate the child.
We are children of God going through our own stages of development.
The techniques taught in the CDM classes are to validate and allow our stages.
The Guided Meditations, the books on meditation… teach how to continue healing. Teach how to get back up when I have fallen. Teach amusement.
I find the books, Meditations, Workshops etc. to be timeless. I will hear something in a new way because I have changed.
I love the inspiration and guidance provided on our main website and our member website. We are so blessed to have this wealth!
I am learning and growing.
God teach me to be patient