Grounding Creates Miracles
Grounding is a popular term these days but most people do not realize how important grounding is in both the physical and spiritual realities. Grounding unifies spirit and body and helps with spiritual creativity in your physical world. Spiritual grounding is the foundation of spiritual practices and is also fundamental for physical creativity.
Grounding helps you be in charge of your life. Grounding brings you, the spirit, into the physical reality you have created. When you ground, you experience what is in your body, both pleasant and unpleasant so you can enhance or change your experience. Grounding attaches you, the spirit, and your body to Earth and increases your awareness of both spirit and body.
The miracle of grounding is how it makes it possible for you to create what you want through your body. Grounding connects you to your body and Earth. It is also used to release unwanted energy from your body. Grounding puts you in charge of what you create and what you let go of also.
A friend of mine who is ill told me he increased his attention on grounding and was finally able to sleep well. Another friend shared his experience with an increased focus on grounding. He had been feeling like he was “on another planet”. When he grounded, he “came back to earth” and felt much more comfortable and able to focus.
Another friend used grounding to help him gain the control of his body to cut his alcohol consumption in half. Other examples of how grounding has affected people I know: alleviating depression, increasing security and peacefulness, being in the present, releasing past experiences, getting work accomplished and on and on.
If you want to sleep, focus, release fear, be in charge of your life … learn to ground.