Clairvoyance: Key to Spiritual Perspective

by Mary Ellen Flora

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Product Ebook Clairvoyance | Spiritual Learning | Meditation | Church of Divine Man

Chapter One: Spiritual View

To use clairvoyance is to reflect light. When we reflect the light of spirit within, we see clearly. This ability to reflect light and see clearly is one of the greatest gifts from the Divine to humankind. With clairvoyance, we can see through the disturbances we have created in our world and see ourselves and each other as spirit.

Clairvoyance simply means clear seeing. It is the ability to see clearly as spirit. In order to utilize this ability to the fullest, you have to realize that you are spirit. However, many people use their clairvoyance without being aware of using it. For example, successful business people use their clairvoyance to “read” people and situations and to make clear decisions. Most would call this ability intuition, or business sense, or another intellectual term, rather than acknowledging it as their clairvoyance.

Everyone is clairvoyant, but not everyone acknowledges and uses this ability. Most people have been invalidated about their clairvoyance. The negation of this spiritual ability is caused mainly by people’s fear of being seen. When we can overcome the fear of seeing clearly and of being seen, we discover a great joy. We discover the joy of spiritual awareness and communication.

For many years, I have helped people activate and use their clairvoyance. Another obstacle that most people have to overcome, in addition to their fear, is their doubt, which comes from the intellect. Since childhood, they have been told that this spiritual ability is not real or is evil, so they have to clear the invalidation and doubt. They have been taught to use the intellect instead of clairvoyance. Ideally, we can use both our intellect and our clairvoyance.

I have been aware of and have used my clairvoyance since childhood, and my family and friends believed that I was strange because of it. They were especially upset when I refused to give up seeing nonphysical things as I grew up. I believe they hoped this “seeing the unseen” was something that I would outgrow.

I remember one incident that frightened my mother and sister as I had seen something they knew I could not be aware of physically. The incident concerned the death of my horse, Ginger, who was a beloved friend for over ten years. The horse had died while at my uncle’s farm, and my aunt called to inform my mother. My mother and older sister knew how fond of my horse I was, so they were concerned about how I would react to the news of her death. They carefully began to explain what had happened, but before they could, I interrupted them and told them I knew that Ginger had died. They were shocked by my awareness because there was no physical way I could have received this information. I then told them that Ginger was fine, that she had enjoyed her life, and I did not feel upset because I knew my friend was with God.

This and other experiences surprised my family, but eventually they came to accept this type of incident, if not to appreciate it. However, many families do not accept the spiritual awareness of children and program them to turn their abilities down or even to turn them off. This is a tragedy because it adds to the already overwhelmingly materialistic view of reality of our world and eliminates the spiritual perspective.

Many people are angry about the invalidation they experienced as children when they communicated spiritual information and were told that it was not real. We all receive programming that the only thing which is real is that which we can touch with our hands, see with our eyes, or in some way experience with our physical senses. This makes us, as spirit, feel like prisoners in our bodies and in our physical world. It keeps us from seeing what is going on spiritually. Spiritual blindness makes us feel helpless to create what we need in order to accomplish our spiritual goals.

If a family does allow a child to have his/her clairvoyance, the family usually encourages or even forces the child to give up talking about what he sees when he goes to school. If the family does not program the individual to stop “seeing,” then the peer group usually does. The peer group is another powerful force that stops communication about clairvoyance. The group wants physical proof because they have been taught by their adult role models to require it.

We do not have to learn to be clairvoyant. We do have to clear the barriers to our clairvoyance which we have been given and which we have accepted. Spiritual students go through a period of frustration when they begin to open clairvoyantly because they want immediately to see clearly, and a few do. However, most people go through a process of clearing the old programming and other barriers before they can see as clearly as they wish. A time of cleansing is usually necessary to bring the vibration in the body back up to a level where clairvoyance can be fully experienced.

One student struggled with his clarity for several months. He came to me one day and asked for help, and together we found the issue stopping his clear seeing. I asked him what he did not want to see. He began to cry as he looked at the pain from his childhood which he had wanted to avoid. He spent several months clearing the pain he had let himself see. From then on, his clairvoyance improved and his enthusiasm for clairvoyant reading increased a great deal. The important lesson he learned is that if you wish to see others clearly, you must first see yourself clearly.

Another student had a different problem. She was young and enthusiastic. Her clarity was remarkable. She could see auras, mental image pictures, guides and other spiritual phenomena without any difficulty. Her problem was that she could not talk about the information. She could barely talk to most people about what she saw. When she did communicate, she invariably invalidated the information almost as she said it. With personal meditation, she uncovered the criticism she had received as a child because she saw reality differently from those around her. When she recognized and released the criticism, she could express her views more clearly. Another lesson for her was to be patient with herself and accept that life experience would bring her a greater ability to communicate the wealth of information she saw.

When we allow ourselves to talk about what we see clairvoyantly, we find many others who also acknowledge and use this skill. We open the door to spiritual communication, and it enhances our neutral perspective of life. By using our clairvoyance in communication, in healing, in our creative projects and in accomplishing our life goals, we create a clear spiritual view. If we use only our physical senses, it is like walking under water, feeling heavy and unable to function fully. We can walk above the water when we use our clairvoyance. We can use our spiritual view to stay above the emotional and other physical pulls. Walking on water can represent staying above the emotions and desires of the body, and clairvoyance helps us see how to do this.

Many people who see spiritually keep quiet about it because they believe they are strange or crazy, and they do not want to be ostracized. Some people who come to me are afraid they are insane. They describe seeing things such as colors, lights, “ghosts”, angels, and other nonphysical phenomena. It is a pleasure to be able to inform them that they are not crazy; they are clairvoyant. We can all see vibrations in the form of color, spirits without bodies, and other spiritual phenomena when we open our awareness to the spiritual realm.

Unfortunately, our spiritual abilities have often been associated with insanity. This does not encourage anyone to talk about their clairvoyant experiences. It is time we begin to speak of our spiritual abilities with reverence instead of fear. One man I know asked me fearfully if he was crazy because of a beautiful communication he had with his spiritual guides. When he realized he had nothing to fear, he opened up and communicated many of his other spiritual experiences. He is now using his spiritual communication to heal himself instead of stopping the healing with his fear.

One important aspect of clairvoyance is the neutrality it provides. Neutrality allows us to see and accept things as they are. It is the ability to see without judging. This aspect of clairvoyance has brought many people a great deal of joy. One student had left his home when he was quite young and made his way on his own. By the time I met him, he had become very judgemental about his family. As he developed his clairvoyance, he began to see his family differently. He also became much more accepting of himself. Eventually he saw how he was blaming himself for his father’s death, and his guilt was keeping him in fear and hate. He forgave himself and the rest of his family, and they were reunited after fifteen years of separation. His clear seeing helped him through his pain back to those he loved.

Another man was separated from his mother when he was a small child. The pain from this separation created many problems for him. He had problems with his own son and dark moods he could not explain. When he developed his clairvoyance, he was able to see the painful experiences from his childhood. This helped him accept his mother and forgive her. He is now planning to see her after twenty years of silence.

A woman I know was distraught about her inability to get along with her daughter. She finally gave up trying to heal the relationship and focused on healing herself. As she healed, she opened clairvoyantly and saw that she had been invading her daughter’s personal space all of their life together. At first, she would not accept what she saw. She eventually developed her amusement enough to forgive herself. She is still learning not to be so invasive but has pulled back into herself enough that her daughter will relate to her now.

A personal lesson in refocusing on clairvoyance and non-judgement occurred when my husband had a heart attack while we were on vacation in Mexico. This was a very disturbing experience for me, mainly because I was afraid of losing my best friend. In addition, we were away from familiar surroundings and the support of friends and family.

The first twenty-four hours, I was immersed in the physical demands of emergency details. After that intense period, I had a great deal of time to focus on the situation. My first thoughts were judgmental. I judged myself and my husband for allowing such a thing to happen. Then I judged myself more for judging my husband, since he was ill. Then I judged him for being ill. I had a fine time wallowing in judgement for a few hours.

Fortunately, I regained my spiritual perspective rapidly. I realized we had each created this experience for our learning process and each of us had a different lesson from the same circumstances. When I saw clearly what my lesson was and took responsibility for myself, I gave my husband permission to do the same. As he told me while I was in the midst of my turmoil, “Mary Ellen, you can’t solve my problems.”

When I viewed the experience as spirit, I could accept each of us as we were, learning and growing. We were two capable souls using our bodies to learn and progress. I even managed to forgive us for being human and allowed amusement into the situation. My lessons were learning not to judge how we create in order to learn, and to accept things as they are, without taking responsibility for anyone except myself. We can change anything within ourselves when we see it and accept it as it is, instead of fighting it.

Using clairvoyance is an important step in acknowledging ourselves as spirit. Our clairvoyance is the cornerstone of our spiritual perspective. When we activate and develop this spiritual ability, we allow ourselves to take charge of our lives and our creativity. Our clairvoyance is a spiritual ability to be used in our communication, healing and creativity.

The techniques and encouragement that follow can help you either to begin using your clairvoyance or to continue to use it with greater clarity and certainty. It is time for all of us to wake up, see who we are and see where we are going. We are spirit. We are returning our attention to God or the Cosmic Consciousness.

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