Be Your Unique Self

By: Mary Ellen Flora

If you are tired of not expressing yourself by pretending to be your expectations of yourself or what others want you to be, begin to meditate and the true you will shine out. Being yourself is one of the most difficult things to accomplish in this world of constant input about how you “should” be. Fortunately, meditation helps you discover yourself, your power, your creativity and how to express your unique beauty into the world. Be yourself; it is great fun and it is important to the world. Without your unique vibration, something is missing for everyone.

Your work, your relationships and everything you do is a reflection of you. If you are not happy with your creations, you can change them. Change your relationships, your job, or any part of your creativity the easy way, through meditation. You do not need to create pain or unhappiness to change your life. You do not need to re-create or re-experience past pains. You can meditate on an issue and make the change, as spirit, with ease. Once you create with meditation, eventually the creation manifests in the physical world. All you need is patience and a willingness to change and be you.

Give the world a spiritual healing while you heal yourself. You change everything else when you change yourself, and meditation is definitely a powerful way to make change. A person who needs to change could meditate to discover her unique self. A shy person could become an active healer by using meditation to bring forward her true nature. An unhappy person can change to a happy person through meditation and bring happiness into the lives of those around him. Life is ideally a fun, creative and unique experience of being yourself. Meditation can help you create life at its best by using your unique vibration. You let go of what you do not want and enhance what you like.

A friend of mine remarried late in life and was having difficulty with her new relationship, and convinced herself that she was getting old and needed to settle for what she had. Fortunately, she realized she could meditate on her issue and gain a spiritual perspective. She turned within and got in touch with some pain she had experienced in her previous marriage. She used her meditation techniques to release pain from the past so she could put her attention in the present and enjoy her new relationship. She used meditation to release past emotional pain to focus on her joyful present and new self. Meditation brought her a closer, more satisfying relationship with her new husband because she cleared her system of past pain that would have interfered with creating what she wanted. She allowed her present time energy to shine. We can all use meditation to stay in the present with our creativity to always be our unique selves.

Remember, being yourself is being enlightened. Everyone’s unique vibration is needed for the cosmic symphony so … be yourself!

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